10 Practical Tips to Deter Possums

Effective Strategies to Keep Possums Out of Your Attic

Possums are iconic marsupials in Australia with populations on the rise in urban areas.

They climb onto rooftops using nearby trees, power lines and structural fixtures.

Implementing strategic deterrents provides a humane, long-term solution without harming local wildlife.

This guide covers 10 tips to reclaim your roof’s tranquility and exclude further possum inhabitants.

1. Eliminate Openings and Entry Points

Possums can fit into spaces as small as 4 inches wide. So seal up any cracks, holes, or openings that provide access, especially near your roofline. Use wire mesh, metal sheeting, concrete, or flashing to possum-proof potential entryways. Pay special attention to areas where wires, pipes, vents, and exhaust materials pass through walls. Also, plug any gaps with copper mesh or stainless steel wool.

2. Install One-Way Doors or Valves

As a humane way to evict possums that have already made their way into your roof, install a one-way door. Also, a valve that allows the animals to exit but not re-enter. These devices can be made at home or purchased. They should be left in place for about a week to give all possums enough time to vacate. Just make sure to seal the opening completely once you are sure all animals have left.

3. Eliminate Food Sources in Your Yard

A surefire way to deter possums from frequenting your roof is removing outdoor food sources. Bring pet food inside overnight and harvest ripe fruit from trees. Also, store garbage securely in cans with locking lids, and avoid feeding wildlife. Without easily accessible meals, possums are less likely to populate areas near your home.

4. Install Lights or Sounds

Possums shy away from humans and buildings where people live. Playing talk radio intermittently from your roofline can mimic humans. It convinces possums to avoid these areas. Ultrasonic or high-frequency sound devices may also help repel them.

Top Strategic Exterior Light Placement Tips:

  • Focus lights under roof overhangs or near gutter access points
  • Angle perimeter floodlights out from the base of your home
  • Set exterior pathway illumination to activate by motion sensors

5. Use Moth Balls, Ammonia, or Methyl Anthranilate

Rubbing strips of roof and attic entry areas with moth balls may deter possums. This is due to the strong odours. Place open containers with moth balls or ammonia above suspected access locations. Another smell-based option is methyl anthranilate, a chemical that smells sweet to humans but stinks to possums. It’s non-toxic and can be used to soak coyote urine pads placed strategically around your roofline. Reapply these smelly deterrents frequently, especially after it rains.

6. Sprinkle Repellent Powders

Applying granular repellent products on your roof’s entry points may discourage possums from inhabiting these areas. Some effective options are peppermint oil powder, stale persimmon powder, red pepper flakes, and dried fox urine granules. Always follow instructions carefully when using any repellent products near your home.

7. Place Predator Urine

Possums instinctively avoid larger predators like foxes, coyotes, and bobcats. Placing these animals’ urine around your property may cause possums to steer clear. Predator urine granules or soaked urine pads can be strategically placed along fence lines, under awnings, or on roof edges. This urine smell is unpleasant and scary to possums alerting them that a dangerous predator frequents this area.

8. Use Motion-Activated Sprinklers

Install sprinkler deterrent systems activated by built-in motion sensors. This rapidly spray small bursts of water when possums come near your home’s perimeter. The quick startling sprays will frighten them without causing any harm. Position sprinkle deterrents near potential roof access spots that possums may use to reach your roof.

9. Apply Roof Preventative Guards

For vulnerable roof areas like gables, eaves, and chimneys, secure custom-fit metal possum guards. This is to physically obstruct access without blocking necessary roof ventilation. Use sturdy metal sheeting at least 26 gauge thick formed. Those that are specifically fitting the contour and angles of the area needing protection. Match metal paint colors to your existing roof or trim for best aesthetics.

Best DIY Roof Materials for Preventative Possum Guards

  • 26-28 gauge sheet metal or flashing
  • 1⁄4 inch galvanised hardware cloth
  • Aluminum dryer vent covers

10. Trim Overhanging Tree Branches

Possums frequently use nearby trees to access roofs, climbing from branches onto the roofline primarily near vents and chimneys. Prune back any branches extending within 6-7 feet of your home. Especially, tree limbs hanging above or growing on vulnerable roof sections. Eliminating this tree to roof pathway deters possums from using this route to gain roof access.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the difference between a brushtail possum and a ringtail possum?

The common brushtail possum has a bushy tail and is larger. While the common ringtail possum is smaller with a long rope-like tail. Both are arboreal Australian animals that frequently inhabit roof spaces.

Why do possums like my roof space?

Possums naturally sleep in tree hollows. But due to lack of adequate eucalypt tree hollows, they will inhabit roof cavities which offer warmth, shelter. Also, a place to safely raise their young away from fear of humans.

How can I evict possums from my roof without harming them?

Install a possum box with nesting material outside. Then place one-way doors, valves, or chicken wire funnel openings from their roof entry points toward the box. This is to gently guide them outside without separating mothers from possum babies.

Will mothballs in my roof keep possums out?

Yes, mothballs or other strong possum repellent smells and are frequently reapplied in direct sunlight of open roof vents. It can deter them from inhabiting or returning to your roof space but ensure no toxicity risks to people.

How do I stop possums from climbing onto my roof?

Wrap smooth metal sheeting, aluminum flashing or plastic guards around pipes, wires, vents, and other infrastructure leading to your roofline. Trim overhanging fruit tree branches and remove external nesting sites. This eliminates their climbing pathways upward.


Pesky possums are persistent when seeking shelter.

Multiple types of possums like roof spaces for raising families.

Also, removing outdoor food sources for possums discourages roof habitation.

Knowledge empowers humane exclusions without harming wildlife.

Implementing strategic prevention by hiring a licensed pest technician provides long term resolutions.

Reclaim your roof’s tranquility using these effectual defenses against trespassing possums.